Tuesday, 1 April 2014

de Certeau Question reponse. 4.2.2014

1. When one is at a certain view where he can see images or scenes of people without them knowing, a person is essentially a voyeur where he can see everything compared to what he normally sees when standing at a ground level. He sees things that others can’t. Also, the fact that he is at such a significant height in contrast to his usual view, creates a space that he never would have thought existed if not for the 110th floor of the World Trade Center.

2. The transition from an idea into a reality is through the “social conditions of social life”. Using “Style Wars” as an example where artists would fill up subway trains with their graffiti, a spatial condition is created. The art by the artists are noticed by those who live there because their usual spatial condition has changed. The social conditions of that period of time are what triggers this art movement and this movement becomes so significant because of those who see it. The emergence from a simple form of expression into a form of movement at that time is because of the society where it is set in.

4. The act of walking is a form of exploration especially in a space we are unfamiliar with. We familiarize ourselves in an urban environment, similar to that of speech where talking helps us communicate and practice our language in order to understand someone else.

      6.I think that when we walk, we take in or surroundings our brain tries to remember and record everything a see as we move. This is similar to poems that its formats is like a pathway. You go through the word and as you read, you explore what is being said. Your brain creates a pattern of what you’ve experienced when reading the poem.

10. As children, everything around us is new- our surroundings constantly change – and we don’t notice it as much as we do as adults because our brains are hungry for more information about our surroundings in order to determine and distinguish what kind our world or environment we live in. When we reach a point where we have finally determined where we are, our minds have created or confirmed spatial conditions accumulated as a child. What we have experienced as children decide the ideas our minds produce today.